The garden has been abuzz with insects over the past few weeks, going about their chores, unconcerned by the to-ings and fro-ings of us humans. I have been particularly taken by bumblebees. Industrious to a fault, full of variety and character, yet highly unlikely to lose their cool and sting. If you get too close to them, they’ll just fly off, or if they are particularly tired, out will come a leg to ward you off. Getting stung by one of them really is a last resort. Other visitors have included butterflies, moths, hover-flies and dragonflies, with the dreaded wasp conspicuous (so far) by its absence.

Here is a selection of shots, taken on my iPhone, which give a sense of the garden’s busy denizens this year.

20140814 - Bumblebee1

Bumblebee on Ligularia Dentata

20140814 - Bumblebee3

Bumblebees on Echinops

20140814 - Common Blue

Common Blue on Lavender

20140814 - Peacock Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly on Buddleia

Magpie Moth

Magpie Moth on Phormium