This is my 400th blog entry. It’s hard to believe. I started posting some time in 2006, so a lot of ramblings, remembrances and randomness have poured forth onto these pages over the intervening years.

Anyway, in keeping with the generally scrambled content of this blog, here’s an Aloe Vera plant flowering. It took me some timeĀ to photograph this – one frame every 30 minutes, all day and all night for 2 weeks. I’m told it’s unusual to see an Aloe in flower, so someone in this house must be doing something right. (I’ll hasten to add, it’s not me).

Staying with the floral theme, yesterday was what we Irish call “a soft day”, so I took the opportunity to photograph a few flowers and plants in the act of budding. The macro function on my iPhone is quite passable, I think, but it sometimes takes a bit of work to get the focusing right.